Economic globalization has experienced many twists and turns. Now it has reached at another crossroads with the US-China trade conflict could be prolonged and escalate in other ways. Long-held beliefs that the world economy was progressing on a path of deepening economic integration are shattered. It is now more urgent to better understand the geopolitics behind, the challenges and the same time, China's role and opportunities for a more open and inclusive global economy so that all can better harness the forces of globalization.

At the event, we will have the honor to listen to the Vice President and Dean at CEIBS, Dr. Yuan Ding. He is also member of the Association Française de Comptabilité, the European Accounting Association and the American Accounting Association and has worked for many years as a member of the editorial staff of various international accounting and auditing journals. Moreover, he published three books on various topics in the field of financial analysis. In 2011, Dr. Ding received the first annual CEIBS Research Excellence Award. Three years later, he was ranked 13th among the list of the world’s 27 most cited researchers based in mainland China in the category of Business Management and Accounting, according to Elsevier. Dr. Ding received his doctorate in Accounting from the Institute of Enterprises Administration at the University Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France.

午宴 - 全球化的交叉口 (细节待定)


Dr. Yuan Ding, Vice President and Dean, Cathay Capital Chair in Accounting, CEIBS